Friday, November 18, 2011

Thank you SBC Children's Ministries

...for partnering with Brian and I in raising children who know and love God.

Our kids are flourishing in the Awana program and they are excited to know God's word for themselves and put it to memory.  The other night, on his own, Zeke wanted to look up in his Bible the verses he was learning in Sparks.  Because he knew the books of the Bible in order, both Old & New Testament, he was able to find them no problem and was really into reading the verses around the verse itself.  I can't tell you how awesome it was to walk in on that one...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween & Trunk or Treat

For the last few years, our church has put on Trunk or Treat, a safe alternative to door-to-door trick or treating.  This is pretty much all my kids know about the practice... and I'm fine to keep it that way for now (though they do love handing out candy to the very few trick-or-treaters we get at our house)!!!  We had a great time collecting candy, seeing friends, winning at the cake walk and playing on the blow-up slides and such!  Thanks SBC!  Here's some pictures of our Halloween fun!

The Miller Kiddos!
Zeke is Cole from Lego Ninjago, which he's been really into lately.  Lots of people thought he was the grim-reaper in his all black costume and axe thing... don't they know I would not help my kids in any way to that end?!?!  Plus, he's way to cute... :)
Ethan is a soccer player (he's been longing to play all season long!).  Thanks to Aunt Karen years ago for sending us this Danish team uniform!!!
Emmy is a pirate.  She was going to be Belle, but the day of decided she wanted to do something different.  She pieced together old outfits that we had from years past and made a pretty scary pirate!!!  After we put on her eye make-up, Brian told her that she looked like a rebellious teenager and Emmy was completely offended!!!  (let's hope it stays that way!)

Emmy & Kylah

Emmy & Ellery

Emmy & Liah

Zeke & Ben

Zeke & Makenna

Veggie Pumpkin for Zeke's class Halloween party!