Friday, June 3, 2011

Our Small Group ROCKS!!!

I just absolutely love our small group!  We've kinda gotten into a groove and a level of accountability and togetherness that is so encouraging and such a blessing.  And not just to me...

Our Pastor was diagnosed w/ prostate cancer a few months ago and has been going through some pretty intense radiation treatment in the Bay Area for the last few weeks.  Our group rallied and wanted to show him love and support in a really tangible way...  for us that meant writing encouraging notes and giving gift cards that he could use during his time away from home.  It ended up being a really awesome blessing for him, as I got to drop it off yesterday and got a note back from him today titled "WOW."  The old saying is true... it is truly better to give than to receive... I love being able to bless the socks off someone!!! =)  Thanks, group, for doing it together!!!

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