Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Good news from Dr--the chemo is working!

Let's start with the good news. I am so thankful. We got to go to Avila on our annual family vacation with family... and to feel good for this time was so great! Beach time, play time, even a dinner at Jocko's with our great friends, Steve and Lisa. Day in Morro Bay. Then drove up to San Jose on Mon night and got to stay with my cousins Staci and Matt, and their sweet babies, before my appointments on Tues morning.

Blood work, then appt with Dr. Massarweh, who was very pleased with my response to this powerful AC chemo cocktail. On his physical exam, the mass measured 6x7cm, which is down from 9x8!!! Also, he said that the lymph nodes that were felt clearly in our last appt are now no longer defined! He said that typically he would see some softening or something, but this was better than expected results for the first round--the chemo is WORKING! Praise the Lord... and keep those prayers coming!

My white blood cell counts were lower than expected, so my chemo infusion was delayed a bit until my nurse received dr. approval to continue. During that time, I got to meet with a nutritionist who was very helpful in looking at my blood work, eating habits, and knowing chemo side effects and immune building techniques. She wants me on a regime of 80-90 grams of protein a day (an egg is 7 grams) to help build those white blood cells (and other things I tested low in this time)--that is a lot of protein!!!

Anyway, chemo #2 is done and my handsome husband got us back to the beach safely. Much thanks to my awesome sis-in-law, Jennifer, for keeping our kiddos overnight and giving them a super fun beach day while we were away. 💗 Today has been not terrible, the nausea meds are working well and despite a few hot flashes (normal side effect of the chemo blocking hormones), I've felt okay and enjoyed the ocean view room and air conditioning!

However... I had finally had it with my hair. Chunks were coming out and hair was just falling out all over the place. The little hair I still had on my head looked so ratty and thin, it was just sad. So, today, after the fam went down to the beach, I took the shaver to my head and now it's gone. I won't razor it down right away because I read that can cause ingrown hairs. I was surprised to see how much blank space was there from all those chunks coming out, or maybe I wasn't. It is just surprising to see myself bald. But honestly, my head feels so much better (it had been feeling bruised and itchy for 2 weeks) and to not deal with the hair falling all day long was so much better. So... now to embrace this new season (and my new hats!).


  1. SO glad the chemo is working so well and so quickly! Sending you love from Jeff and I.

  2. You look beautiful!...and ZERO prayers continuing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. look better than I did when I shaved my head go girl!!!

  5. I'm so thankful that the chemo is working! You still look beautiful, hair or not. That radiant smile is what I always see when I look at you! Prayers are continuing!

  6. I am so excited about the health news! Sounds like the nutritional things you been doing have made a huge difference. You continue to be in my prayers. Michelle is right, it is that gorgeous smile, that radiates love and calm confidence we look at. Take care and I look forward to further conversations. ❤️

  7. So glad it is working! 😊

  8. So much to praise and payers continued!!

  9. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. You are a beautiful woman. Praying the ZERO prayer again now.

  10. Kirsten... you are amazing! I love the example you are sharing with us all right now of courageous, genuine hope, faith and surrender! You are beautiful❤️

  11. Yay!! Such great news! I am sure it is tough to always be positive, but it is helping you too. You are amazing! (And you are still beautiful without really makes your smile shine!)
