Found this armoire on craigslist while I was looking for console tables a few weeks ago. When I saw it, I instantly knew it was what I needed to get our upstairs organized and the boys room completed, and it was a great deal. The seller wasn't the best at communication, but we finally connected and we were able to pick it up yesterday in Lodi.
The 'BEFORE.' We had to remove the doors and drawers to be able to get it upstairs. A shelf also had to come out so that we can fit our TV in there |
After a great color match from Lowe's (thanks to paint guy, Jerry!), I spent today touching it up and loading it. Looks like new and it fits our needs perfectly! The "AFTER"...
Ahhhh... organization!!! Love it! |
Next step... moving the dresser (where the TV currently is) back into the boys room so I can have Ethan's clothes upstairs in his room instead of mine, moving the bookshelf that's currently in that spot before we can bring that in, and moving my craft stuff currently in the new spot for the bookshelf into my room's armoire where Ethan's clothes currently are. I think my house is going to be a disaster for a while... but can't wait for the end result!!!